Poster Presentation
Yasemin Durduran has been Graduated from Faculty of Medicine in Selcuk University, as Medical Doctor, with the specialties including Internal Medicine, Social and Community Medicine and Public Health. Later on she obtained his post-graduation from University of Selcuk Faculty of Medicine with subjects Public Health and then started working at The University of Konya Necmettin Erbakan Faculty of Medicine Public Health Department where she has continued his research. Presently she has been working at the at the Necmettin Erbakan Faculty of Medicine Public Health Department
Occupational health and safety units (Ä°SGB) which were established as subordinate units of community health centers has started to provide services by the "Occupational Health and Safety Services Regulation" that published in the official gazette in 2012. Not much research has been made about the provided services during the intervening period. In this study we aimed to evaluate the works of Konya/Karatay Community Health Center Occupational Health and Safety Unit in 2015. 3 occupational physicians, 2 occupational safety professionals and 2 other medical staff as a total 7 people were employed at this Occupational Health and Safety Unit. The unit has signed contracts with 3 workplaces. The 100% of workplaces were public institutions. One of the workplaces was least dangerous, one of them was dangerous and one of them was very dangerous. There were 329 employees at workplaces, 31.3% of them were employed at very dangerous workplace and 49.5% of them were employed at dangerous workplace. At this Occupational Health and Safety Unit, 771 recruitment reports were given for least dangerous jobs in 2015. Occupational health and safety training was given to 986 people at different workplaces by the unit. All the workplaces that signed contract with Occupational Health and Safety Unit were public institutions and most of these workplaces were in dangerous and very dangerous class. The evaluation of the works of Occupational Health and Safety Unit and sharing of works that have been done, may support both the self-assessments of units and the works of other units.
Mehmet UYAR has been Graduated from Faculty of Medicine in Anadolu University, as Medical Doctor, with the specialties including Internal Medicine, Social and Community Medicine and Public Health. Later on he obtained his post-graduation from University of Selcuk Faculty of Medicine with subjects Public Health and then started working at The University of Konya Necmettin Erbakan Faculty of Medicine Public Health Department where she has continued his research. Presently he has been working at the Necmettin Erbakan Faculty of Medicine Public Health Department
Turkey is one of the countries in which sexuality and sexual health means marriage and family life. This work’s aim is to evaluate university students’ sexual health and remarks regarding marriage and family life. This descriptive study was carried out on final year students in the Medical Faculty, between 1st July 2015 and 30th June 2016. 205 of 233 students were accepted to participate in the study. Students’ average of age was 18-24 ± 1.35 of these 43.9% were female, 86.8% were single.79.5% of participants stated that they had no sexual experience before. 67.3% were thinking of marrying within 5 years. 39% of participants gave the definition of marriage as “sharing the lifeâ€. 83.4% wanted a working spouse, 52.2% stated 25-29 ages as most appropriate ages for female to marry. 32% of participants had a boy/girlfriend. 76.6% of participants having boy/girlfriend was thinking of marrying to their partner. 77.6% of participants stated that they want to marry whom they themselves became acquainted and get on well with. 84.1% of students remarked that “I first make my decision on marriage and then get my family’s approvalâ€. In study, 18 participants were considering that religious marriage ceremony is enough only for marriage. 63% stated that “I do not want to live with my spouse’s familyâ€. 1/3 participants indicated “being respectful and warm-heartedness†as the characteristics that they want their partner to have most. “Disloyalty†was at the top as most unacceptable characteristic in a partner. Most interns want to marry, start a family and have children at early ages. Most interns do not have sexual experience.
Tahir Kemal Åžahin has been Graduated from Faculty of Medicine in Ä°stanbul University, as Medical Doctor, with the specialties including Internal Medicine, Social and Community Medicine and Public Health. Later on he obtained his post-graduation from University of Selcuk Faculty of Medicine with subjects Public Health and then started working at The University of Konya Necmettin Erbakan Faculty of Medicine Public Health Department where she has continued his research. Presently he has been working at the Necmettin Erbakan Faculty of Medicine Public Health Department
Violence against women is a human right violation affecting women all over the world and is a public health problem. The aim of this study; to investigate the prevalence of domestic violence against women over the age of 18 in Konya-Meram. Prepared questionnaire was administered to 261 women who applying to randomly selected 9 family health centers from Konya-Meram between 1 April-29 May 2015. The average age of the women in the study, 35.4 ±11.2 is, 66.7% were married, 19.2% smoking, 8.4% were using alcohol. Participants women's 3/4 was noted that the total income of families in the middle level. The mean age spouses of participants was 42.1±10.2. 39.3% of the spouse was university graduates. The incidence of physical violence in women participating in the survey 43.3%. In participating in the survey incidence of psychological violence is 27.6%. While incidence of economic violence 23.8%, the incidence of sexual violence 5%, exposure to any type of violence 51%, all types of violence exposure found 3.4%. Most people who apply violence was spouses with 46.3% rate. Women whose uses spouse alcohol (p = 0.001), spouses who have been exposed to violence in childhood (p <0.001), also smoking (p <0.001) and alcohol (p = 0.014) using and his relationship with his wife badly identifies (p = 0.014) all types of violence were more significantly. 1 out of every 2 women in the study were found to be exposed to any type of violence. People exposed to violence are applied more violence. This situation creates a vicious circle.
Firoza Haffejee completed her PhD in 2013 at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. She is currently a senior lecturer in Physiology and Epidemiology at the Durban University of Technology in South Africa. She runs community engagement projects in Kenneth Gardens, a low socio-economic environment in the city of Durban, where she has also worked on research projects in collaboration with members from Virginia Commonwealth University. Her research is currently funded by the National Research Foundation (South Africa)
Perceived stigma has a negative impact across the HIV care cascade. Our understanding about how perceived stigma varies from one environment to another is limited. This study fills an important gap in the literature by assessing how perceived stigma within the home community environment differs from that in the tertiary education environment. We used a self-administered questionnaire to obtain data (n=378) on stigmatising attitudes and perceived stigma from students attending a tertiary education institution in South Africa. Differences in perceived stigma in the university environment compared to the home community environment were assessed. Levels of reported stigmatising attitudes and discrimination were low among students. Gender differences were observed with a significantly larger proportion of males (12%) reporting stigmatising attitudes compared to females (1%, p<0.001). Many students reported perceived stigma in both settings (university: 41%; community: 47%; p=0.09). Among those who reported stigma, the majority perceived it in both the university and community settings. Correlation analysis indicated a positive relationship between the perceived stigma scores from each environment (0.62), with a stronger relationship found among males (0.72). Our results lead to the hypothesis that individuals project perceived stigma from one environment to another. This implies that the negative public health impact of perceived stigma could extend beyond the context in which those perceptions develop. Overall, our results stress the importance of efforts to reduce perceived stigma. Such efforts could play an important role in improving the relatively poor rates of HIV testing uptake among younger populations.
Rabia Medjane (DM), university hospital assistant master in occupational medicine, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Oran (Algeria). I exerts at the University Hospital Establishment of Oran, Oran, Algeria.
The solvents used in pathology services expose the hospital staff to a neurotoxic risk. Through literature, few studies have explored the neurological and neurotoxicity in the hospital staff laboratories after exposure to a mixture of solvents such as formaldehyde, acetone… Research and evaluate in a population occupationally exposed to a mixture of solvents in pathology hospital laboratories the existence of neurotoxic disorders subclinical. It is a transversal epidemiological study aiming to describe, and which is of an exposed-unexposed type conducted among 39 persons exposed to a mixture of solvents and 95 controls belonging to the same hospital, matched on sex and age. All were interrogated by the questionnaire. In addition, we performed their neurobehavioral tests (NBT) and explorations of neuromotor functions (CATSYS 2000). The estimation of occupational exposure has been assessed based on the weekly consumption of each manipulated solvents. Sociodemographic parameters are comparable to the exposed and unexposed. The exposed persons are on average aged of 36, they have a length of exposure to solvents of 11,8 years, and manipulate on average six liters of solvent per week. Concerning the suction hood, have been found out that it is used among 74.5%, and they all wear gloves not adapted to the use of solvents. The exposed population relates significantly more neurotoxic symptoms (asthenia, irritability, headaches, and concentration) than witnesses. The exposed population is significantly less efficients; Pegboard (40.04 versus 36.70), Finger Tapping (45.54 versus 56.08), are slowlier (283 ms versus. 252 ms) and have significantly more postural disorders.
Rabia Medjane (DM), university hospital assistant master in occupational medicine, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Oran (Algeria). I exerts at the University Hospital Establishment of Oran, Oran, Algeria.
Shift work has grown considerably in the world, it helps to ensure continuity of production or services where its imposition in particular by the public sector such as hospitals. This study explores sleep and vigilance disorders and related health status to the shift work, evaluates health condition and experiences of workers on shift work and study the possible relationship between shift work and some personal and professional factors. It is a transversal epidemiological study aiming to describe, and which is of an exposed-unexposed type conducted by questionnaire among nursing hospital. The study population includes 637 nurses: 52% work day shift, 31% in shift schedule and 17% in night schedule. Their mean age was comparable in the three groups with a male predominance (87%). Their average length was 14 ± 11 years. The majority of workers are satisfied with their job (68%). sleepiness problems (Epworth >8) concerning for more night workers. Spiegel shows for the last night that 42% of night workers have sleeping troubles (score <18). Obesity and overweight are more noticeable. Mood disorders and taking sleeping pills or anti-anxiety drugs are encountered among night workers, on the other side hypertension, dyslipidemia and diabetes are more encountered in shift workers. For shift workers, the main motivation for this type of work is the salary (65). More of shift worker on two states have increased their consumption of tobacco, coffee. It is to the occupational physician to aware and informs workers and employees of the impact of this type of work.
Okoth Reagan has completed his BSc at the age of 23 years from Kenyatta University Kenya. He is currently an Intern at Taita Taveta Research and Resource Arc under the Adaptation for Ecosystem Resilience in Africa (AFERIA) project coordinated by International Centre for Insect Physiology and ecosystem (ICIPE) a premier research organization.
Seagrasses are marine angiosperms inhabiting coastal areas from the intertidal zone to several tens of meters deep in all the continents except Antarctica showing relatively higher species diversity in the tropical regions than temperate. They provide important ecosystem goods and services like sediment stabilization, provide habitat for marine organisms and have also been recognized for their capacity to sequester and store carbon in the sediment for a long time through the accumulation of autochthonous and the allochthonous carbon. This study determines the organic carbon stock in the four dominant seagrass species (Thalassodendron ciliatum, Syringodium isoetifolium, Enhalus acoroides and Thalassia hemprichii) of Gazi Bay. Coring extending to 1m deep was done within quadrats of 0.5m by 0.5m using a Russian peat sampling corer. The cores were sliced into 5cm interval and taken to the laboratory for wet-dry weight conversion. Sub-samples of 5g were analysed for organic matter (LOI). General equations for the relationship between %LOI and %Corg in seagrass (%Corg= 0.43*%LOI-0.33) r2= 0.96 for seagrass soils with %LOI >0.2 and (Corg= -0.21+0.40*%LOI) r2= 0.87 in seagrass soils with %LOI <0.2 were used to calculate the Corg stock in each species. The study tested the differences in % organic matter for vegetated and unvegetated sites, and the carbon stock among species using single factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). In T. hemprichii, the % organic matter was significantly different between the seagrass vegetated and the un-vegetated areas (F(1, 180) = 13.54; p =0.002) but not with depth in both the seagrass vegetated and un- vegetated areas (F(9, 180) =0.85; p =0.567). In T. ciliatum, the % organic matter was highly significantly different between the seagrass vegetated and the un-vegetated areas (F (1, 180) = 123.84, p < 0.001) but was not statistically significantly different with depth between the seagrass vegetated and unvegetated areas (F (9, 180) = 0.60; p = 0.794). In E. acoroides, the % organic matter was highly significantly different between the seagrass vegetated and the un-vegetated areas (F (1, 180) = 13.54; p = 0.002) but was not significantly different with depth between the seagrass vegetated and un- vegetated areas (F (9, 180) = 1.01; p = 0.437. In S. isoetifolium, the % organic matter was highly significantly different between the seagrass vegetated and the un-vegetated areas (F (1, 180) = 179.62; p < 0.001) but was not significantly different with depth between the seagrass vegetated and un- vegetated areas (F (9, 180) = 0.21; p = 0.983). Sediment Corg was highly significantly different between species (F (3, 56) = 4.269, p=0.005). The results of this study shows the important role of seagrass in climate change mitigation and can therefore be used to advice current and future ecosystem conservation planning.
GHEZINI Younes has been Graduated from Medical Faculty of Oran, Algeria. Dr GHEZINI is a Medical Doctor, with the specialties including occupational and environmental health and he since 2003, teaches at the same faculty where he continued his research.
Introduction In Algeria, the bladder cancer is the second urologic cancer after the prostate. Several risk factors are implicated in particular tobacco. The aim of this study is to evaluate the environmental and occupational risk factors. Materials and methods The recruitment of cases and controls was done in the urology department of a university hospital of Oran. Cases are male subjects aged over 40 years, with primary bladder cancer. Controls are recruited in the same service, but without malign tumors. Regression was used to adjust for potential confounders. Results This study included 159 bladder cancer cases and 224 controls. The cases and controls were comparable on most of the major sociodemographic characteristics: age, marital status, place of birth and level of education. The first symptom of bladder cancer was hematuria 87%. The tumor is the transitional cell carcinoma type in 99% and superficial in 74%. Tobacco OR = 6.83 95% CI 3.96 to 11.77 and residence OR = 0.38, 95% CI 0.23-0.63 were associated with bladder cancer in contrast to toxics: pesticides, aromatic amines, polycyclic hydrocarbon aromatic, Diesel fumes, welding fumes, solvents and pesticides. Conclusion Tobacco is the main risk factor for bladder cancer. The association observed with the place of residence is linked to the difference in availability and access to care. We need to expand the study to a large number of cases.