Marija Jevtic is a full professor at University of Novi Sad, specialist in Hygiene (Public Health), subspecialisation in urban ecology. Organisation: University of Novi Sad, Medical Faculty, Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina. Education: M.Sc. (University of Belgrade) and Ph.D. (University of Novi Sad) in the field of Environment and Health, Academic Master Degree in Health Management (University of Belgrade), Group analytic therapist (2009 -GAS Belgrade).\r\nField of interest and work: public health, environmental health, climate change, mental health, food safety, nutrition, health management, group psychotherapy.\r\nPrevious position and role: Assistant minister, Director of Institute of Public Health of Vojvodina.
Instability and insecurity, migration, conflicts and climate change, impaired balance, environmental and economic weakness… this is a brief patient history of our Planet Earth. We are leaving to the future generations numerous painful symptoms and severe clinical picture of our Planet Earth. Solving these problems is not only a challenge but a condition for the survival of future generations.\r\nThe aim of this study was to, among other things, examine the interest and awareness of young future health professionals about all global challenges of the environmental health.\r\nIn methodology is used an open anonymous questionnaire, in which, among other things, students responded to a question about global environmental health.challenges.\r\nPreliminary results have provided an important framework for further reflections on public health priorities. While climate change, water and air occupied an important place among the priorities of future doctors, energy and migration are neglected in they answers as a priority.\r\nIn conclusion, it is necessary to intensify training and strengthen curricula of health professionals on this subject. Migration is, among others, a consequence of climate change, but migration influences changes in urban areas, and furthermore requires transformations of the health systems. Energy is now necessary for health professional to express their knowledge and skills. Not withstanding health care professionals should be aware of the importance of energy saving and efficiency, and should be encourage to use renewable energy.