Associate professor
Brawijaya University
LASMINI AMBARWATI work at Brawijaya University as associate professor on Division of Transport Planning. Her main research interests include transport impact assessment, public involvement, urban transport model. Professional training i.e. Integrated Urban Panning Sweden supported by SIDA wad done on 2008. She continues the research on sustainable transport, particularly in safety and behaviour of cyclist, motorcyclist and driver. The research is supported by Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Indonesia (DGHE) and Malang Government. She has more than 15 papers published in international and national journal, such as Transportation research part C, Transportation research part D, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, International journal of Academic Research (IJAR)
Research Interest
LASMINI AMBARWATI main research interests include transport impact assessment, public involvement, urban transport model.