Kharzi Rabeh
University Brothers Mentouri Constantine, Algeria
Title: Contribution to know the attitude and the cultural level of the healthcare professionals on the management system of the hospitable waste: case study
Biography: Kharzi Rabeh
The waste of the activities of care is by their harmfulness, become today a major object of concern in the various hospitals, even in various private hospitals and local authorities. This waste engenders all over the world crucial economic, health and ecological problems. Among these wastes, we find hospitable wastes which represent the real threat to the public health and the environment. From now on, this chap of waste must be treated according to very specific procedures. In this work we are interested to know the level cultural security at the Constantine's hospital, for a highlighting of an action plan answering the sanitary and hygienic requirements of the waste of the activities of care (WAC) on the public health. This study has for global objective to give specific perspective, knowledge, attitudes and practices of the staff on the management system of the hospitable waste. As scopes we chose Constantine's hospitable university center in a purpose to bring new reflections on the sanitary impacts, the techniques and the measures the most adequate to the management of this type of waste, even manage to promote a culture of prevention within the Algerian establishments of health. The method of work is based on a questionnaire, an investigation led at the level of the hospital in question. The proposed approach will thus allow to analyze the cultural level in current security hygiene regarding waste management and to set up effective actions to improve the identified weaknesses. The work is forwarded by judged recommendations necessary regarding waste management.