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Rabia Medjane

Rabia Medjane

Faculty of medicine of Oran, Algeria



Biography: Rabia Medjane


          This study evaluates the prevalence of contact dermatitis in the hairdressing and esthetics sectors, and describes the clinical aspects encountered. This is a descriptive transversal clinical epidemiological study. The tested population was recruited on accessibility and volunteerism. It covers hairdressers and/or beauticians at the city of Oran, which are visited in their rooms and invited to answer a standardized medical questionnaire, followed by a clinical examination skin. Patch tests of the standard battery are made by this staff having an allergic contact dermatitis appeared for less than a year, post studies in training and an esthetics center complete the study.

The tested population consists of 175 women: 120 hairdressers, 28 beauticians and 27 beauticians and hairdressers. Dermatoses were recorded in 51 subjects, 40 cases by clinical examination and 11 cases only by anamnesis. Skin diseases can be divided into: dermatitis irritation: 31 cases, allergic contact dermatitis: 8 cases, dermatitis traumatic 11 cases and nail involvement found in only 1 hairdresser, 39 of contact dermatitis are found, 27 cases by clinical examination and 12 cases by anamnesis. Gloves representing the essential means of individual protection in this staff, where the gloves’ wearing is found in 82% of subjects. 117 subjects (67%) use latex gloves. Only 4% of the subjects have vinyl gloves. Of the 8 cases meeting the criteria of allergic contact dermatitis only 3 subjects responded to the call for patch testing. Positivity to Nickel sulfate, to formaldehyde and paraphenilene diamine (PPD) is found.

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